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merasa cemas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "merasa cemas"
  • merasa:    feel; feeling of; felt; perceive; perceived;
  • cemas:    anxious; uneasy; up-set; angst; anguished;
  • cemas:    anxious; uneasy; up-set; angst; anguished; disturbed; panicked; consternation; panic; panicky; panic-struck; apprehensive; worried; panic-stricken; discouraged; paraphrenia; tense; alarm; dismay; up
  • merasa:    feel; feeling of; felt; perceive; perceived; perceiving; wonder; feel as if / as though; have; take; finger; undergo; palpate; try; sample; register; experience; find; scent; nose; savour; taste; fe
  • merasa was-was:    misgive
  • cemas akan:    worried about; worry about; worrying about
  • cemas dll:    anxiously
  • cemas hati:    afraid; worry
  • dengan cemas:    worriedly; worrily; concernedly
  • jangan cemas:    don't worry
  • keadaan cemas:    emergency
  • menjadi cemas:    be in an emergency; be on edge; report an emergency
  • pertolongan cemas:    first aid
  • rasa cemas:    qualm; scruple
  • terlalu cemas:    overanxious
  • But my father will not rest until he finds me.
    Ayahku pasti merasa cemas sebelum menemukanku.
  • I don't wanna be, either of us, worrying.
    aku tidak ingin, diantara kita, merasa cemas.
  • By this time, Akari must have started worrying.
    Sementara ini, Akari pasti telah merasa cemas
  • She always did know how to worry.
    Dia selalu tahu bagaimana caranya untuk merasa cemas.
  • Well, did you have any worries before the Samantha comment?
    Apa kau merasa cemas sebelum komentar Samantha?
  • Now you can compete for Wudang without worries
    Sekarang kau bisa berlomba untuk Wudang tanpa merasa cemas
  • You've never even bothered to watch me!
    Kau bahkan tidak pernah merasa cemas untuk melihatku!
  • Oswald, Oswald,Oswald, you are just feeling anxious about change.
    Kau hanya merasa cemas dengan perubahan.
  • Everybody was afraid of what might happen next.
    Rakyat merasa cemas akan apa yang mungkin terjadi selanjutnya.
  • Mushu, if you're so worried, go stand watch.
    Mushu, jika kamu merasa cemas, berjaga-jagalah.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5